Ep 10. What’s the best money advice you’ve been given?

Directors Notes:

I promise I didn’t expect these women to reflect back the advice that I’ve given them. It does help me see that I’m on the right path.

The takeaway: The ladies share advice about not sweating the small stuff, saving for a rainy day, not waiting for someone else to come and save you. And all of these snippets of advice boil down to the same core thing.

The antidote? That you need to be in control of your money and your money decisions. Get help with your finances and bookkeeping, sure. AND, you are responsible for your money, and you can learn to do this well. Making and managing your money is all about how you think and feel about money. I would love nothing more than to help you start thinking differently about money, in my money challenge.

Fi Johnston x


Ep 9. Are you a successful business owner?