Are you too busy mopping up the floor to turn off the tap?

I asked this question of one of my clients a little while back and we had a chuckle about it. Because it’s so damn ACCURATE. We are so often sitting there mopping the floor like a maniac, never reaching to turn off the tap.

When we’re busy being busy, it can be so hard to zoom out and see where we can make small changes that have huge ripple effects. And let’s face it, most of us are feeling bloody busy most of the time. Trying to stay afloat in a post COVID world, hoping a lockdown isn’t around the corner. Leaning into our natural tendency to be optimistic and thinking about all that’s ahead of us.

Procrasti-everything gets us nowhere.

Not long after speaking with my client, I did something that took me two minutes that will save me loads of time down the track. I added the brand colours into Canva for my secondary palette, which is for Get Financially Fit.

Did it take me two mins? Yes.

Did I procrastinate for six months because it was annoying? Yes.

Like putting petrol in my car, which I won’t do until I’m literally running on fumes (type B lady right here!).

At the time, scrolling Instagram or laughing your at the latest TikTok trend can be a huge stress reliever, but what about the long-term?

Lost opportunities, lost impact.

You’re here because you’re a purpose-led business owner. You’re ready to make an impact. But these little moments of inaction are stopping you. How can you fix that? Here’s some examples, in case you’re wondering if I’ve started a cleaning business with all this mop and tap talk:

  • Set up bank rules in Xero so your most common transactions will almost post themselves

  • Write an FAQs list and pop it in the footer of your email and website (or wherever people go with questions)

  • Create a bookable calendar link so clients can book online to talk with you - email ping pong wastes everyone’s time

  • Get a designer to create some awesome Canva templates for you to use on your socials

  • Reduce the list of accounts on your profit and loss report. The less numbers on the page, the more you’ll see.

  • Unsubscribe to the emails you don’t want in your inbox

  • Go for a ten minute walk. This cures almost every problem.

  • Put your prices up. Just do it.

Do the thing, ok?

The biggest barrier to having a productive and profitable business is inaction. When we can’t be bothered turning off the tap because we’re mopping the floor, we stop ourselves from crafting the business that we truly want to lead.

If you need help working out how to turn off the tap, book a call with me. We’ll turn off our metaphorical taps and be change makers together.


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