Peach Business Management

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Advice you wouldn’t expect from a business strategist

It’s an incredible privilege to be invited into your businesses to provide ideas, support, and advice.

And when you invite me into your business you’re also inviting me into your life. As small business owners we move between our lives, hobbies, relationships, business, aspirations and goals. It’s all one big, beautiful dance.

What’s it like to work with me?

If you’re wondering what working with me might be like, know this: I’m an ideas machine, and will be visualising your business and how it fits together as you’re talking to me, looking for the spaces where new ideas and perspectives fit.

I’ll be creating clarity about your business strategy and direction, and building a plan to make it happen.

I’ll be teaching you about finances and business and helping you to see your forest from your trees.

I’ll also see you. My empathy runs DEEP, and I literally don’t know how to work with a business owner without working with them, the human.

So, I might make suggestions that you’re not expecting

And what exactly do I mean by that?
Well, here’s some advice I’ve given to my clients that might have you looking at me like I’ve spoken another language:

  • Replace your old underwear and start wearing your fancy ones everyday

  • Listen to birdsong as often as you can

  • Donate your old tea towels and buy some new ones to use everyday

  • Start saying “my clients love paying me to deliver the value only I can give them” when you brush your teeth

  • Next time you tell someone what you do, consider saying “I’m the founder of a specialist design studio” rather than “I’m a designer”.

You’re more than your business

Replacing your tea towels and underwear, and reframing your “job” title are ways to help you to see yourself in a new way. They help you take a step up the ladder, rather than a big leap. Taking small steps up helps you feel safe and own where you are in your adventure as a business owner.

Bird song is the most calming sound to humans. It signals that everything is ok, and it's helpful in calming ourselves.

And if you’re going to try on a new belief, it’s great to pair it with an everyday activity like brushing your teeth.

If you’re coming to me for a spreadsheet, you’ll get one that rocks your socks off. But if that’s all you’re coming for, I might not be the bit to your bob.